How Do We Include Inclusive Language in Our Own Language?
Language has been and continues to be a powerful tool for human connection, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. Language can be used for good, or for evil. In this generation, words definitely matter; it matters what you say and how you say it. Language can either make people feel included, or excluded. We all want to make people feel include though right? In order to do so, we need to start with the core of making people feel included - which is changing our language. Seems challenging, right? Trust me, I know how you feel. Changing your language that you’ve written or spoken your entire life, might be hard, you just have to be willing to put in the work. In order to make people feel included, we use what is called, inclusive language. Inclusive language is language that avoids the use of certain expressions or words that might be considered to exclude particular groups of people, esp gender-specific words, such as “man”, “mankind”, and masculine pronouns, the use of which might be considered to exclude women. Increasing the inclusiveness of our language is not only to become more welcoming, but to learn how to strive “to understand the ways that language often unconsciously makes assumptions about people and unintentionally reinforces dominant norms around gender, sexual orientation, race, class, ability/disability, age, and other identities and experiences”. (Unitarian Universalist Association)
I found a few things to consider in terms of checking the assumptions we make that language can often carry from the Unitarian Universalist Association:
- Recognize diverse family formation:
- For example, some families are headed by single parents, grandparents, foster parents, two moms, two dads, and more: consider “parent or caregiver” instead of “mom and dad,” get creative with Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, etc.
- Use language that reflects what people call themselves:
- For example, taking the time to find out what labels or words a person or group uses for their identities and experiences rather than making assumptions, and always respecting the language a person uses to self-identify.
- Use “person-centered” language as a general rule:
- For example, when talking about groups you aren’t a member of, not using an identity as a stand-in for a person or a group: “people with disabilities” instead of “the disabled”; “transgender people” instead of “transgenders” or “the transgendered”; etc., remembering that any aspect of a person is just that: an aspect of a person.
- For example, not saying “LGBT” if you are only talking about sexual orientation; not using “straight” as the opposite of “LGBT” (transgender people can be any sexual orientation, including straight); etc.
- Be intentional about representing diversity in stories and curricula:
- For example, representing a variety of family structures, races/ethnicities, gender identities and expressions, and sexual orientations in stories shared during services and in religious education for all ages.
- Consider non-gendered words for the divine:
- For example, “people of all genders” instead of “women and men”; “children” instead of “boys and girls”; “siblings” or “kindred” instead of “brothers and sisters.”
- Use language that does not assume a certain level of education:
- For example, not assuming that all people have graduated from high school and/or gone to college (or will go to college after high school); being mindful of the reading level of language used in services; etc.
- Use language that does not assume a certain level of financial means or certain sort of vocation:
- For example, not assuming that everyone present is employed, has a stable living situation, can afford to meet their basic needs, works a first shift job, etc.
- Use language that does not assume all people are heterosexual:
- For example, “people living with HIV/AIDS” rather than “AIDS victims”; “people who use wheelchairs” rather than “wheelchair-bound” or “someone confined to a wheelchair.”
- Be thoughtful about the imagery you use:
- For example, words like “black,” “dark,” and “blind” are often used symbolically to express negative concepts. There are many alternatives and ways to diversify our use of certain symbolism.
Makayla Chacon
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