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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Are We Moving Forward? Part 1

By Nikki Allair

Every time I see a new article about women and/or girls, I have to weigh the pros and cons of the said article. I ask myself certain questions: do these people have agency*? What is my situatedness* with this article? What layers of intersectionality* are affecting these people? Is there too much control from – government, patriarchy, family life, etc. fill in the blank? I cannot look over these articles without investigating it with my feminist magnifying glass. This process is both enlightening and exhausting, but well worth every moment.

Nicholas D. Kristof
A few articles written by Nicholas D. Kristof caught my attention for it’s negative and positive aspects. The article was about a rape treatment center in Sierra Leon, Africa, where he met a three-year-old girl. This young child was raped and infected with gonorrhea. Solutions for rape are extremely difficult to come up with and/or implement within a community and especially one that is so intimate. “Ultimately, the only way to end the epidemic of sexual violence is to end the silence and impunity and send people to prison. But that almost never happens,” said Kristof. In places that do not have the resources to help them, ending violence against women is almost impossible, but there are women out there that are trying to change that. (

Kristof came across one young fifteen-year-old girl in particular. Her name is Fulamatu and she wanted to fight against the destructive patriarchal society that had tried to claim her body. A local pastor in her village took advantage of her and other young girls in their community. Fulamatu’s bravery is commendable and shocking within such close-knit village. She filed a police report, got the pastor to come back to the village through some maneuvering, but ultimately he was let go. Fulamatu’s family even forgave him and then tried to kick her out of her village. Even though this is a terrible aspect of this case, without Fulamatu’s statement, other young women from the village would not have come forward. “As more girls show Fulamatu’s courage, we can some day break taboos about sexual violence and inch toward a global recognition that it is more shameful to rape than to be raped.” (

A group of Sierra Leone girls

It is easy for us as Americans to look at other countries and think that situations like the three-year-old child could never happen here. We are sadly mistaken. Women and girls in our nation are constantly having their rights slashed and their lives put in danger. Next week, I will discuss how legislation and the work force reflects our devaluation of women still.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Transition

By Hannah Clause

Many people have been wondering what the Gender and Sexuality Equity Center is, how it came about, and where the AS Women's Center went! Well hold tight, because there is no need to worry! Here is a break down of our transition.

The Associated Students Women's Center was created in 1971 by a small group of dedicated women who realized the importance of developing and organizing a space where women could explore their mutual concerns and raise awareness in the community about progressive women's issues. With financial help from a memorial fund and support from the community, the AS Women's Center was born, flourishing and operating under that title for 40 years.

The Associated Students Gender and Sexuality Equity Center (GSEC) was implemented this fall semester, 2011, as an expansion of the Women's Center in an effort to further promote human rights and the equal representation of marginalized students on Chico State's campus

Nikki cleaning out the old office!
This year we have transitioned from the AS Women's Center to the Gender and Sexuality Equity Center because of the rising importance of establishing a brand new program, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer program! We will absolutely still continue to offer the Women's Program, which will operate side-by-side with the LGBTQ program. Together, these two programs make up the Gender and Sexuality Equity Center! With this addition, we are able to further our efforts in creating a campus that is understanding and accepting of all sexual and gender identities.

This change has been a long time coming... Let's face it, the AS Women's Center has been putting on all kinds of LGBTQ events and raising awareness for the gay community for several years now. It's about time we established a safe space for those who identify with and support the LGBTQ community and expanded our office to the AS Gender and Sexuality Equity Center, and we couldn't be more PROUD (pun-intended). As we like to say, 'We're finally out of the closet!' because along with our new transition we have a new space (BMU 005). So come check out the new, wonderful office.

Women's Center staff Spring 2010
A special thanks is in order for all of the hard and tedious work it took for this transition to happen. Thank you to the Women's Center staff of '09, '10, and '11, the Women's Center advisory board, and especially Jillian Ruddel, Kate Knutsen, Kimberly Edmonds, Katie Seifert, and Amanda Atkinson.

If you are still confused about what exactly this transition means, here our the mission statements of the center as a whole, and for each program.

The Associated Students Gender and Sexuality Equity Center (GSEC) is a student run activist organization, which strives to empower all students through two its two programs: the Women's Program and the LGBTQ Program. The GSEC challenges societal norms that have been use to oppress and marginalize by providing opportunities for leadership, personal development, and referral services. We offer a safe and inclusive space where the campus and community can effectively support the academic mission of the university.

The Women's program utilizes feminist ideologies to offer educational opportunities and programs that are centered in women's experiences to create and sustain a university environment that promotes the personal, educational, educational and professional growth of women.

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Program is dedicated to promoting a safe environment for people of all sexual and gender identities through educational opportunities and programs.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Meet the GSEC staff and interns!

Kimberly Edmonds


Kimberly is the director of the Associated Students Gender and Sexuality Equity Center. She is double majoring in Political Science and Women's Studies. She first got involved with the Women's Center through an internship her freshman year, and then became a program coordinator for the next two years. Now as the director, she is very excited to oversee the Women's Center's expansion to a Gender and Sexuality Equity Center.
Fun Fact: Kim has 7 siblings! 

Nicole Walker


Nicole Walker is the intern coordinator for the Gender and Sexuality Equity Center. This is her third year at CSU, Chico where she is majoring in journalism with a double option in news editorial and public relations, and a minor in women's studies. Beginning her freshman year, she has been an intern at the AS Women's Center for three semesters in addition to writing for the student-run, award winning newspaper The Orion and working at the Student Activities Office.
Fun Fact: She writes for the award-winning Chico State newspaper The Orion. She writes reviews, previews, and bios for local and visiting artists and bands. 

Nikki Allair


Nikki Allair is the Women's Program Coordinator at the GSEC. She is finishing up her last year as a Women's Studies Major with a minor in Sexual Diversity. She was an intern at the Women's Center for a year, giving her the tools she needed in order to become the ever growing activist she is. She is a strong believer in equality for everyone and promotes it in the activities she participates in.
Fun Fact: Nikki doesn't like any kind of nuts. 

Abilgail Teicheira


Abigail Teicheira is the LGBTQ Program Coordinator for the Associated Students Gender and Sexuality Equity Center. She is a fifth year student at CSU, Chico majoring in Women's Studies and Spanish. Abigail first got involved in activism on campus through the internship at the AS Women's Center and as a member of Pride Safe Zone.
Fun Fact: Abbie can solve a Rubix cube in under 5 minutes!


Natalie Nguyen

Natalie is technically a Psychology major, but will must likely be switching to Sociology by the end of the semester. She's interning at the GSEC because she wants to help make our society more understanding and inclusive.
Fun fact: One of her goals in life is to own and perform in a burlesque club in San Francisco!

Christin Huckabee

Christin majors in Multi Cultural Gender Studies with an emphasis in Women's Studies and Sociology. She is interning at the GSEC because she believes in fighting for something that she is passionate about and wants to help raise awareness about issues that have been marginalizing people for centuries.
Fun fact: She has two Chiweenies

Carina Gutierrez

Carina's major is currently undeclared. She is interning at the GSEC so that she can learn more about activism and be a
part of a worthwhile cause.

Fun fact: She absolutely cannot stand it when people chew with their mouths open. This is, in her own words, "Pet peeve numero uno!"

Karissa Daisy Dickinson

Karissa is an Exercise Physiology major. She is interning at the GSEC because in the small town she  grew up in she was not privileged enough to have these kinds of opportunities. She saw prejudice, hate, and judgment every day of her life. Being around that made her want to help end all these issues and be apart of something bigger. Plus, there are so many great people here at the GSEC!
Fun fact: She's Italian and proud of it!

Lindsey Pevar

Lindsey is an Animal Science major in the hopes of becoming a veterinarian. She is interning at the GSEC because over the summer she spent a lot of time at and LGBTQ center in her home town in Long Beach, CA. She learned so much from the program called MYTE that she wanted to give back for everything that they had given her. She also loves the GSEC motto and how we want to create a safe space for people where we can give them any kind of information that we have.

Fun fact: She recently cut all of her hair off and gave it to Locks for Love.

Sarah Sullivan
Sarah is a Health Education major. She is interning at the GSEC because she is passionate about promoting equal rights for all, and is excited about getting involved in community activism!

Fun Fact: She can't wink with her right eye! ;)

Hannah Clause
Hannah is a Multicultural Gender Studies major with an option in Women Studies. She is interning at the GSEC she is a radical feminist who wants to break down societal norms and be the change she wants to see!

Fun fact: She is going to be studying abroad in Chile next school year.

Jessica Arriaga
Jessica is a Multicultural and Gender Studies major with a Women's Studies option. She is interning at the the GSEC because she had such a great experience interning for the Women's Center last year! Since the center was transitioning into a new office she wanted to continue to be a part of this new, more inclusive space that we now have to offer Chico State students. The GSEC is such a great activist outlet that allows her to do work I she loves and is passionate about! 
Fun fact: When she was a little girl her dream job was to be an Egyptologist.

Alex Brown
Alex is a Psychology major with a Multicultural and Gender Studies minor and an option in Women's Studies.  She became an intern at the GSEC because she wants to surround herself with like-minded people, spread awareness about women's and LGBTQ issues, and to immerse herself in diverse experiences.
Fun Fact: Alex has a munchkin breed tabby cat named Tyson!

Chantel Edwards
Chantel Edwards is majoring in multicultural and gender studies, with a minor in sexual diversity. She previously interned at the Women's Center for two semesters and decided to intern a third time after the transition to the Gender and Sexuality Equity Center. 
Fun fact: She hopes to become a sexologist after she graduates from college.          

Tiffany Alioto

Tiffany is a double major in Business Finance and Psychology, along with a minor in Women's studies. Tiffany is interning at the GSEC because she is an activist who believes no one should wait to be negatively affected by ignorance to join a cause they believe in.
Fun fact: When she was in the 8th grade, she ripped her jeans while dancing to the credit music of the original "The Fast and The Furious" movie! 

Ashley O'Sullivan

Ashley is a Health Care Administration major. Ashley says, "I want to be a part of an organization which strives to empower all students at CSU Chico. I want to be a part of a community of determined individuals that come together to promote the personal, educational, and professional growth of women. I want to be a part of a program and a community that is passionate about the understanding of equity for all. I want to advocate for the LGBTQ community. Furthermore, I want to be a part of what the GSEC is advocating for. I am a feminist and I believe in establishing equal opportunities to all. I want to empower people to look outside of societies norms that have been used to oppress and marginalize and stand up for what is right. I want to help with sustaining an organization like the GSEC; that offers a safe place to all students who may feel silenced. I have a passion for advocating for gender sexuality equity and I look forward to the activist work I will be doing."
Fun fact: Ashley is an only child!