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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Drop the “T”?! Saying no to Transantagonism

As the Associated Students Gender & Sexuality Equity Center celebrates being approved for a Trans Program, and gears up for our Transgender Day of Remembrance events, it seems like trans folks are winning, and that progress is being made--at least in Chico. While that may be the case, some people are coming "out of the closet" with their transphobia and transantagonism (opposition, explicit disdain or active hostility or opposition towards trans people)

Apparently, there is a push “by a (select) group of gay/bisexual men and women who have come to the conclusion that the transgender community needs to be disassociated from the larger LGB community”. The “T” within the traditional LGBTQ+ acronym represents identities that fall under the trans umbrella, which include but are not limited to: transgender, transsexual, gender non-conforming, non-binary, genderqueer, genderfuck, gender fluid, and agender.

From the cis-washing of the movie “Stonewall” to the rates in which trans women of color have been murdered, now is not the time to further marginalize trans individuals. Now is not the time to circulate such a bigoted petition. Now is the time to stand in solidarity with the trans community. Here are three ways you can help!

1)    Don’t sign the petition! The unfortunate petition can be accessed here. If you insist on clicking, I ask that you only follow the link for information on how NOT to approach/view the trans community.
2)    Check your privilege: For cisgender folks like me who live within a system that affords us privilege over trans people, we need to check our privilege and educate ourselves on some of the ways that we can stand in solidarity with trans people. On top of reading this blog, here is great way to get started! And feel free to scour the internet for other ways to be supportive to trans folks.
3)    Attend events hosted by our NEW Trans Program: The GSEC has recently been approved to create a Trans Program in addition to our already existing LGBTQ+, Women’s, & Outreach programs. While we have been hosting events to educate the larger Chico State campus and community about trans issues and identities for a couple of years now; we now officially have the capacity to have an entire program focus on trans issues. The first events officially hosted by the Trans Program, and in collaboration with Stonewall Alliance and the Transgender Task Force, are for Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) which will be taking place from November 16th-20th.
a)    Transgender Day Of Remembrance Altar
Date: Nov. 16 – Nov. 20
Location/Time: GSEC Office BMU 004 | 10 – 4pm
Description: An altar will be housed within the GSEC in remembrance of those who have lost their lives to anti-trans violence. Anyone may come and pay their respects if they wish. An activity will be held as well in conjunction with the altar.
b)    “Screaming Queens” Film + Discussion
“Screaming Queens”
Date: Wednesday Nov. 18th
Location/Time: BMU 210 | 6:30-8:30pm
Description:  A documentary about transgender women and drag queens who fought against police brutality at Compton's Cafeteria in San Francisco. After the film screening small group discussions will be held to allow everyone to have the opportunity to share their thoughts about the documentary.
c)    “Say Their Names” tabling / wall activity
Thursday Nov. 19th
Location/Time: Trinity Commons | 10 – 2pm
Description: People will have the opportunity to participate in an activity to commemorate those who have passed away. The activity will consist of building a paper candle and having the option of reading a statistic or writing your own message.
d)    Trans Stories and Panel Discussion
Thursday Nov. 19th
Location/Time: UHUB | 5:30 – 7:30
[Food and warm beverages]
Description: Stories about navigating life as a transgender person will be read out loud by people in the Chico transgender community. This will be followed by a panel focusing on transgender experiences.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

This Image Is Why We Need To Have A Nuanced Discussion About Race, Gender, and Intimate Partner Violence

Content Warning/Trigger Warning: Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence

In recognition of Domestic Violence Month, a month established to bring visibility to domestic and intimate partner violence, I want to deconstruct an image that, disturbingly, has been circulating online. The image shows a seemingly battered black woman with a caption that reads in all caps, "A real Black women would put an ice pack on it, wear glasses, call off sick instead of alerting 5 0”. It’s frightening. 

Statistically, approximately 29 percent of all African-American women face domestic and/or intimate partner violence within our lifetime--a rate 35% higher than that of white females, and about 2.5 times the rate of women of other races. 

However, stereotypes and expectations of black womanhood impact both the rates in which black women report intimate partner violence, and severity in which their claims are considered. Black women are less likely to report domestic violence due to potentially criminalizing their partners, and even when black women do report, they are not considered as urgent. 

Stereotypes also largely impact black women’s ability to receive support for intimate partner violence. The one implied in this image is that black women are somehow inherently “strong” and therefore should be equipped to endure all circumstances--even knowingly harmful ones. Another stereotype that black women are forced to navigate is that we are angry and belligerent. This widely believed stereotype that deduces the humanity of black women to a single emotional expression, renders it difficult for society to even see us as being victims of domestic violence in the first place.

Since black women carry the assumption that our behavior and actions are angry or in response to anger, support isn’t offered, and often times the victim or survivor of violence becomes criminalized. Instead of receiving help and protection in dire situations, Black women are subject to criminalization--and that can come with continued violence and harassment from law enforcement.

This narrative, however tragic, is not unique. Remember Marissa Alexander? She is the black woman who made national headlines for being arrested and incarcerated for firing a warning shot at her abusive husband. Or how about Cherelle Baldwin? In 2013, Cherelle was imprisoned for killing her husband--a repeat abuser of hers. Black women are expected to endure domestic and intimate partner violence, navigate the trauma that accompanies these forms of violence (often without institutional support) and, are subsequently vilified and criminalized for taking steps to defend ourselves.

It seems as though the outcomes for black women who are victims or survivors of sexual assault are bleak. Luckily, there are agencies that exist to support black women, at the intersection of race, gender, and intimate partner violence. If you or a friend are seeking support, consider the following resources. They are dedicated to offering culturally competent support to survivors of color:



Thursday, October 15, 2015

I am an Activist Because...

Everyone calls me Kia. You can say that I am new to this whole college thing, I wouldn’t though. In elementary school, every student wanted to be a doctor, ballet dancer, singer etc...I just wanted to be a college graduate. I mean why not?

“GO to college. GO to one of the top universities.” We see this all day on social media, TV shows, and even newspapers. I rarely ever see a “Graduate from College!” ad.
In my opinion, media doesn’t stress graduating college enough. According to ThinkProgress, “only 56 percent of the students who enter America's colleges and universities graduate within six years, while only 29 percent of students who enter two-year programs complete their degrees within three years.”

What can I do to avoid becoming one of those students?
Well, I surround myself around seniors here at Chico. After we have a full conversation I mention that I’m a first year student. “’re a first year student and you have an internship? How are you so involved on campus already?” I love the face they give me when they notice I am the youngest in the group.

I’m assuming that most first year students don’t really get involved because they are unaware of all of the opportunities available to them. One organization that I took advantage of was the AS Gender and Sexuality Equity Center (GSEC). You know that room in the BMU with the big rainbows and women empowerment signs on the door? Yea...that’s us. I would tell you about how PRIDEful we are but I’m sure the door speaks for itself.

The GSEC has 3 different programs. There is the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, PLUS Program (LGBTQ+), the Outreach Program, and the Women’s Program.   

If you couldn’t tell already, I am proud to say that I am apart of the LGBTQ+ Program. “So like .. Are you Gay?”
No...I am bisexual.”
“Ohhh you are confused?”
“NOOOO…I like both, men AND women.”

As an activist here at the GSEC it is my job to educate people about misconceptions so people can stop thinking that, “all LGBTQ+ people CHOSE to be gay.” I mean...who would want to be a part of a community that is one of the most hated in America? Too many people from the LGBTQ+ community attempt/commit suicide and some people still think we all choose to be gay?  Hearing that any human has committed suicide is very heartbreaking but when it is someone who is in my community it hurts even MORE. Many people who identify as LGBTQ+ feel the need to commit suicide because they think something is wrong with them or that society won’t accept them.
You don’t honestly think we like being abused by our parents or bullied by our peers, right?

“If being gay is a choice, when did you choose to be straight?”

I love my sexuality. I feel like I have the best of both worlds, but what about those who don't? What about the parents who claim they will love their child unconditionally but when their child “comes out”, their parents don’t want anything to do with them? Parents teach their children that being gay is wrong so the kid starts to think something is wrong with them. It eats them up inside because when they try to lay with someone of a different gender, they feel no chemistry but when they see a person of the same gender it feels right.

As an activist, it is my responsibility to give knowledge to those who don’t really understand. It is not my job to persuade you to accept me. That is all up to you. I simply want to educate you about LGBTQ+ issues and identities to dispel these myths and stereotypes and maybe that will change your opinion about my community. If it doesn’t, at least you will have some knowledge about us. Now that you have read this, you have taken your first step to educating yourself. Continue to read blogs!! I will post my blogs on: October 28th, November 18th, and December 10th

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


              As I spend more time in the LGBTQ+ community I am becoming more aware of the different mental and physical health issues we face.  Growing up I commonly heard, “lesbians, gays etc., suffer from mental illnesses that make them believe they are queer”.  There was always a reason or a fault as to why we lived differently.  Homophobia and ignorance spat out various judgements in order to twist truth into reason.  What this has failed to cover is the actual mental illnesses that LGBTQ+ people are at risk of.  The risk of self-harm, suicidal tendencies, substance abuse, and mental disorders are greater within the community.  This can be caused by various things, whether it’s naturally occurring or a combination of prejudice, homophobic hatred, internal shame, social and family exclusion; the list goes on.  LGBTQ+ youth are 6 times more likely to experience depression and 4 times more likely to attempt suicide than the general population.  Within the LGBTQ+ community, 20 – 30 % abuse substances and 25% abuse alcohol compared to 10% of the general population. **
                I happen to fit into two of these statistics, a result of my upbringing and natural causes.  In high school I dealt with self-harm and in the past year was diagnosed with temporal lobe seizures.  I have since stopped harming myself, however my seizures will stay with me.  These seizures don’t mean I fall on the ground and shake, or foam at the mouth or basically any of the images you might “think” are associated with a seizure.  Temporal lobe is the area of the brain that controls the emotions.  This sometimes affects how I register emotions in certain situations but also triggers electrical spikes in my brain that cause “emotional seizures”.  It’s one of the most difficult things to explain to people. It lasts at most about 3 minutes with every range of emotion packed into my brain all at once.  These episodes have started to dwindle but I have a new understanding how neuro-differences not only affect your life but also your identity.
                Specifically these seizures have categorized me into society’s stigma of someone with a mental illness that led to queerness.  This is a ridiculous stereotype to have attached to your identity when they are very separate things.  It denounces the pride you have for yourself and overshadows the importance of addressing the actual effects a mental illness can have.  Instead of recognizing that LGBTQ+ individuals need help or assistance with whatever they are suffering from: self-harm, suicidal tendencies, substance abuse, or mental disorders; we are marked and shuffled away to be used later as evidence.
                I’m not ignoring the progress society has made, but the progress is too slow.  THIS is why I am here.  To share my experience with mental illness and separate it from my sexual orientation.  To raise awareness of the health issues the LGBTQ+ community suffer from and need services for.  To encourage others to stop obsessing over why we are different and obsess over helping instead.

By: Ashley Hoy

**More information about the various statistics referred to above can be found on the National Alliance on Mental Illness’s LGBTQ support article.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Introducing Desiree

Hello Readers!

I am so excited to be writing to you from the AS Gender and Sexuality Equity Center’s blog! Writing has served as an outlet for me, and is integral to my activism. With the increase of social media and the facilitation of information spreading, I use my writing as a platform to amplify my own lived experiences, and to expose systemic injustice. I am also very excited to have been offered this new internship opportunity! When I transferred to Chico State University almost two years ago, there were no spaces or organizations that addressed the specific needs of people of color who identify within he LGBTQ+ community. When I initiated The Queer People of Color Society, a student organization intent on fulfilling that need, as well as bringing our unique experiences to campus and the greater community, the GSEC was intentionally and entirely supportive of our efforts. This semester, I am working directly within the women’s program, and I hope that my presence in the office will continue the GSEC’s commitment to working with marginalized communities through an intersectional lens.

All of our identities inform our unique experiences, and cannot be separated. For me, there can be no trans movement that is separate from the women’s rights movement, that is separate from the black power or #blacklivesmatter movements, that is separate from the gay rights movement, as I--and several people like me--embody a number of those identities simultaneously. Therefore, our activism must also take into consideration the ways in which our identities intersect and impact our lives in unique ways.

I have been doing activist work for my entire life, and it’s one of the things that really gives my life purpose. I am an activist because it’s important for me to feel like I’m creating change and am impacting the lives of others. As a black queer woman who experiences several forms of systemic oppression, I try to do whatever I can to ease the lives other people like me. Whether it’s working on ways to support formerly and currently incarcerated black women (since we are the fastest growing demographic within the prison-industrial complex), whether it’s facilitating workshops focused on empowering inner city girls of color, --whether it’s using singing and performing as an artistic and creative outlet to highlight the struggle--my life is devoted to improving the conditions some of us are forced to endure. That is the center of my work! Expect a critical racial, queer, feminist lens to be the basis of the work that I post here. Thank you for reading, and I look forward to my work and the work of the GSEC this semester! 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Mythbusters! Pansexual Edition by Kyla

Pansexual Edition

Myth #1- A person who identifies as pansexual is attracted to pans.
Overall, pansexuality is defined as someone who is attracted to all sexes and genders.
A person who identifies as pansexual may want to explain what pansexuality means for themselves, and that’s awesome. So, this definition may vary a little but identifying as pansexual has nothing to do with pans. Sorry pans, your stovemate (see what I did there?) is out there somewhere.

Myth #2- People who identify as pansexual are attracted to every single person ever in the entire world.
No matter how you identify, gender likely does not make up the entire reason you are attracted to someone. There are probably a lot of reasons you may be attracted to someone, perhaps they have a cute dog, or a cute butt; who knows? This is still true for people who identify as pansexual, except gender is probably not on that list.

Myth #3- Pansexuality is made up and does not exist.
Either I’m a unicorn, and there are also a gazillion other awesome unicorns, or it exists. I’ll take either. Problem solved.

Monday, April 13, 2015

It's Not A Compliment!: Street-Based Harassmenent in our Community

Trigger Warning for: Harassment, Violence and Offensive Terms

 In light of recent events, we feel it is important to clarify what street harassment IS and what street harassment is NOT. It would be easy to list the statistics about the enormity of this issue, instead we decided to let the experiences speak for themselves. The following are anonymous responders who have been graciously shared their story to shed some light on what street harassment truly looks like.


I was walking down the street when a big white truck slowed down and ran along side of me. A man stuck his head out of the driver side window and called out to me; “Damn I am married but you are one hot mama!” He followed me for a minute or two waiting for my response.


Someone yelled from their car “You better keep walking fast, honey. Otherwise who knows what will happen?”

Once I was walking home and 3 people in a car drove slowly next to me for an entire mile without saying anything.

I was walking back to my house with a friend and a man rolled down his window and started panting at us. When we didn’t respond, we saw his car turn back and circle around which forced us to go off the sidewalk into unmarked walkways.



I was walking arm in arm with my best friend and a man yelled at us; “That's right girls, get it!”

I hate to say it but my gay male friends basically can’t go out together without being called a F****t.

Walking down the street holding hands with your same-gender partner is apparently easy ammunition: I’ve got “yeah! That’s what I like to see!” more times than I can count.



I started being whistled and honked at when I was thirteen by grown men. No one ever talks about the fact that street harassment is another way adult men can sexualize young girls.

One night I was walking downtown with a partner and a man holding a Barbie doll asked my partner “hey, can I trade my doll for yours?” How did they already have the doll to do that?!


I run almost every day and I can count the number of times that I have NOT been catcalled during a run on one hand. Whether it’s honking, whistling, flipping me off, yelling obscenities, or comments on my body, I’ve experienced them all. I guess they’re just looking for their five seconds of power. 



A person whistled at my friend when we were walking together and when she didn’t respond he called her a cunt


I was walking alone at night across a crosswalk, and a car full of guys started yelling and whistling. Then one of them spoke up and said, “Sorry honey, it’s because of what you’re wearing.” 

I was walking down 8th street late at night with several friends on our way from the bars, we strolled past a house with people lounging on the front porch. We were almost past it when a man called out to my friend and I and said “How about you put on some clothes”. I was wearing high-waisted pants and a crop top and my friend a long skirt and crop top… not that I think it matters what I was wearing or if I care whether or not a woman wears pants or a mini dress but I am iterating this to show that there is NEVER any clothing that is appropriate for women to wear apparently. Even if she is wearing pants she will be called out and shamed. Even when she is mostly covered in pants or long skirt, she is still seen as indecent and “asking for it”.

What do we call street harassment or as it’s more commonly known as “catcalling”? Catcalling is a gender-based form of street harassment that involves unwanted comments, gestures, and actions forced on a stranger in a public place without their consent and are often directed at them because of their actual or perceived sex, gender, gender expression, or sexual orientation. This leads to a plethora of instances, experiences and ways that catcalling can and does occur. Although there is some confusion in the general public on how catcalling is harmful due to the continued humorous or lighthearted portrayal in the media, the experience itself is unwanted, injurious, and often frightening. It is a form of domination, to enter and leave the situation however you want while still objectifying a person and having power over them. When violence, stalking, or anger is the expected or common response from unwanted harassment being rejected, then catcalling is neither lighthearted nor positive. It should be seen as what it is: harassment. It is not a compliment, it is not flirtation, and it is not wanted.


Friday, March 13, 2015

The Harms of a Single Story by Megan

Link to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED talk:

 In the TED talk from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, she says, “Show a people as one thing, and only as one thing, over and over again and that is what they become.” I heard this and thought of history. We know through our own research or through higher education that the stories we have learned of the early British colonies are only vague, one-sided versions of the truth. Native Americans, as they are seen in text books, are vague figures of our history, associated with violence and statistics. Almost no information about their way of life is taught in our high school education, although we see some attributions to their culture sold in stores or in markets. This single-story isn’t done just in our text books. Ernest Hemmingway wrote many famous, well-known novels that continuously attribute rugged heroic qualities to his white male protagonist while the few African American characters in his books are considered doltish and remain nameless.

Imagine searching for a character you identify with and finding only the vague unintelligent versions available, written by writers totally uninterested in them. As a kid, I remember watching horror movies with my sister and knowing exactly when the female character will die. In no way was I an expert in horror movies, but I had seen used so commonly before that I could guess that woman character, if there was one, would generally die first or second in the story, often by a fault of her own. Queer men and women existed in shows as jokes or brief, token characters that would die off an episode or so later.

For Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, she said she had become a single story character in the eyes of people who did not know her. When coming to America, her roommate immediately assumed that Adichie had a tragic story simply because she had lived in Africa. Adichie said this assumption wasn’t made out of malice but simply because stories of Africa that are not centered on starvation or poverty do not reach the public mainstream media. She said, “the consequence of the single story is this: it robs people of dignity. It makes our recognition of our equal humanity difficult. It emphasizes how we are different rather than how we are similar.” Single stories can dispossess a people. It can them out to the public eye as unintelligent, as removed of personal individualistic spirit that connects people to each other, that often seems to define humanity. But stories can also be used to empower and humanize people; they can be used to explore people and their individual faults, their strengths, their dignity and their tragedies. It can make lives of minorities more known to the public in a way that does not demonize or sexualize their way of life, but make it as simply another part of the human experience.

I would like to end with Adichie’s powerful words: “When we reject the single story, when we realize that there is never a single story about any place we regain a kind of paradise.”

Thursday, March 5, 2015

When Rape Looks Different by Madeleine

Disclaimer: Topics on this post deal with sexual violence and may be triggering.
 So often we are taught that rape is violent, that it happens in dark allies, away from those we trust and love. Rape does not occur in your own house, in your bed, or by your partner. And if you did not scream and kick and resist with all your might then the conclusion has to be, “You must have wanted it.” The most commonly told story is of rape being committed by a stranger. That singular story has been the metric stick with which we have ruled what is and is not rape. If you never said “NO!” what does it matter that you had never said “Yes.”? So what does rape really look like, in all of its variations? Its definition shifts with the people involved, like all crime. We must continue to unpack our incorrect notions of what rape looks like to continue to give voice and support to survivors.

Minerva Arias does a great jon of unpacking this topic here:

Monday, February 23, 2015

Activism and Self-Care by Kyla!


So, maybe you just bought your first rainbow printed item and are brand spankin’ new to the world of activism, if so, yay! This is such an exciting time and I applaud you for taking whichever steps you’ve taken to better the world. Or, maybe you’ve been immersed in the wonderful world of activism for quite a while and you ain’t leavin’ any time soon. No matter where you are in your activism journey I’m here to give you a gentle pat on the back and remind you to treat yo’ self!
The year I was introduced to feminism was life changing. I wanted to talk about it and think about it and read about ALL. THE. TIME, and it was awesome. But to be honest, by summer I was burned out. And I felt bad about it. I saw feminist news pieces on my tumblr feed and scrolled by without reading, I didn’t engage in controversial conversations and I let a few offensive comments fly by without any word from me. What did this mean? How could I abandon the cause when I had practically just started? Whenever this happened I felt simultaneously guilty and relieved that I didn’t have to engage in another conversation that left me feeling hopeless and maybe even attacked. A few months prior I would have walked through the gates of Mordor to have a conversation about feminism, what the heck happened? I had poured everything I had into activism and honey, mama needed a refill. Good news is I’m back to talking about feminism in addition to some other great topics just as much as I was before, only better because I’m respecting my own mental health. Below are a few gems that I remind myself of on a frequent basis.

1. Choose your battles
Your personal safety and mental health are priority #1 to consider before engaging in any type of activism. It does not make you a “bad activist” to opt out of a situation you don’t feel spiritually, emotionally or physically up to partaking in. This can mean letting someone else take the lead in a conversation, choosing a form of activism that feels a little more low impact (i.e suggesting a website or book to check out) or simply mentally acknowledging the moment and going on with your day. It is completely, 100%, up to you how you choose to engage or if you engage in all.

2. You do NOT have to talk to people who are mean to you
Conversations can get heated, it’s normal. Is it good heat or bad heat? Are you feelin’ the burn? Idk where I was going with that but my point is that you do not have to continue to speak with someone who is attacking you. If someone is calling you names or undermining your identity, leave. Similarly, if a person is simply not open to hearing you, it is not your job to make them listen, if a conversation starts to feel unproductive it’s ok to end it. It’s ok to end a conversation anytime you want, or to choose not to start one at all. Personally I choose not to engage in conversations about sexuality with most of my family unless they bring it up first. This change is complicated but has been crucial to my general happiness.

3. Stay updated on the awesome things happening in your area of interest
Activism involves a lot of conversations about things that are going wrong and how to change them, which is super important. It is equally important to remind ourselves about the things that are going right. Activists create a lot of change but sometimes they don’t get to see the results and it can feel like nothing is happening. Remind yourself of a conversation you had with a friend that you felt went really well, or read an article that highlights an achievement of a group you identify with. Change happens and presents itself in all sorts of ways!

4. Set boundaries. Set them. Set. Boundaries.
Setting personals boundaries is something that’s going to look different for everyone. Basically these are things you decide to do, or not do based on your knowledge of yourself and what you need to do maintain your emotional health. Choosing when and where to engage in activism as discussed above are both great ways to set boundaries. The best and hardest thing I have ever done has been choosing not to use Facebook as a personal platform for activism. Social media can be an awesome way to reach people, but for me it wasn’t healthy. I would engage in a lengthy conversation on facebook about a tough topic for hours and regardless of how long it lasted it would consume my mental energy throughout the day. It was hard for me to say my piece and move on, I wanted some type of satisfaction that I was never going to get on Facebook. It’s easier for people to forget they’re still talking to a person on social media even though it’s through a computer and conversations quickly turned defensive and hurtful. Of course, this is not true for everybody. Some of the most impacting information is found on social media and it’s a great tool that has opened many opportunities. However, I feel that the skills I bring to the table as an activist are better suited in other areas and I choose to focus them there instead. This is a boundary I chose to set for myself and only you can decide what will work for you.

So there you have it! Remember, these are only a few ways to treat yo’ self! Leave your own ideas and methods in the comment section.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Are you a Chico State student interested in activism and social justice? If so, you should consider interning at the AS Gender & Sexuality Equity Center!

Three unit internships are available in both the Women’s and LGBTQ+ Programs. Interns will organize events, contribute to campaigns, and positively impact the feminist and LGBTQ+ movements by utilizing their voices. Three unit internships are also available as an assistant to the Intern Coordinator (ICA) where interns will write press releases, manage the advertisement of events, and coordinate social media sites to educate our community on social justice issues.

We are looking for students who are passionate about social equity and motivated to work towards awareness and inclusion on our campus and in our community. Please feel free to email or call us if you have any questions or concerns. Applications are due Monday, January 26th by 4pm to BMU 005. Early applications are appreciated. Learn more at our Internship Fair on Thursday, January 22nd from 5:00-6:30pm in our office, BMU 005.

Applications are available in our office (BMU 005), by e-mail request at, and online at: